Sunday, March 1

Announcing AFAM

This month i got the opportunity of hosting this wonderful event AFAM ,A Fruit A Month, started by Maheshwari of Beyond The Ususal. But when i looked at previous AFAM's ,i saw most of the fruits (known and even unknown to me too...) are already hosted . Then when i browsed , i came to know, that there are a lot of fruits , which are known to us as vegetables, but are actually fruits, like the previous months fruits pumpkin and Jack fruit and also tomato, bittergourd, cucumber, beans, eggplant , peanuts, and even bellpeppers are actually fruits.OMG.

In botany, a fruit is the ripened ovary—together with seeds—of a flowering plant. In simple terms,if u wanna know, what you have is a fruit or vegetable, just check DOES IT HAVE SEEDS? If the answer is yes, then technically, you have a FRUIT. Check the source for more info.

So finally....i decided of this month's fruit for AFAM as 'CUCUMBER'. I like cucumber very much, so i thought its a nice oppurtunity for me to have loads n loads of tried cucumber recipes with me, at my blog itself. So nice isin't it. So please guys, send me loads of them. For more info on cucumbers check wikipedia.

Some guidelines for this event:

1. Prepare any recipe using Cucumber as its main ingredient and post about it on your blog by 2nd, April, 2009

2. Multiple entries are most welcome. You can also send from archieves, provided it should be properly updated and reposted.Posts should be linked back to this event to this announcement post and Maheshwari's blog.

3. Send the following details to neha.agrawal.2610(at)gmail(dot)com with the AFAM: Cucumber as its subject line

Your Name
Blog name
Recipe Name
Recipe URL
A Photo of any size

4. The use of logo is optional, if you use good, if not then also good.:)

5. If you are a non-blogger and you wish to participate, send in the above details with the recipe. I will post them in the round up.

Remember last date of this event is April 2, 2009. Also do check out for the yummy roundup of Jackfruits at LG's blog. So lets cook, and also always, stay cool as a cucumber.

Update: 5th of April. The event is now over , can check the roundup here.


Chitra said...

sure ,count me in neha..

notyet100 said...

sure will chip in somethin,..

Chutneytales said...

Will send you my entry soon..

FH said...

Neha, I will try and get one for you although I am taking a break at Aroam, still will be posting at FH.Great choice! :)

FH said...

Great choice, will see if i can send you one although I am taking a break at Aroma! :)

Pooja said...

Interesting information neha I never heard of this.... Count me in....

Deepa Hari said...

Nice one...will come up with something Neha.

Deepa Hari said...

Nice one...will come up with something Neha.

Cham said...

Great choice, I will come up with something!

Gouri said...

Thanks for comment neha. your blog is very nice good pics.Can i participate, let me know?

Gouri said...

thanks for comment neha. Can i participate wwhom to link how? let me know pls. thanks

Neha said...

Thanx all, i'm waiting eagerly for some delicious cucumber recipes..

Lakshmi said...

Cool Cucumber! Will try to send in something :) Happy hosting

Kitchen Chronicles said...

Cucumbers. Will surely take part.

KonkaniBlogger said...

Nice choice for the event! Will keep in mind and send something.

Unknown said...

Hi Neha,

I am just surprised that you managed to read more than two posts and leave comments on all those pages..and i really donno how i missed this spcae of yours ..with soo many wonderful collections...neways now that i got to be here...will try out some recipes and let u know the results..

Thnks for all the comments!


jayasree said...

Good choice.. Shall try to send in something.

Swapna said...

Love ur choice for this event. Sure, I will send my entry for this wonderful theme.

Preety said...

will send my entry too

LifenSpice said...

Hi Neha, that's a good theme. I had some cucumber dish already. but will try to post something new

Aps Kitchen said...

Cucumbers all time fav
A recipe will catch u soon.

Sonal said...

Hi Neha!!
Gud to found a fellow blogger from singapore. I will surely send my entry for this wonderful theme.

Savi-Ruchi said...

nice event, will try to send in something for sure :)

Núria said...

Hola Neha! Count on me :D. I'll stay cool as a cucumber ;D

Vidya said...

Hi Neha..

Thanks for your comments...
Hey this sounds like a nice event...Can I also participate? Will send in my dish soon!! :)


Neha said...

Sure vidya, u can.. Waiting for ur entry..

Cham said...

I sent my entry neha!