Friday, July 4
Announcing SWC: Maharashtra
Few months back, Lakshmi of Taste of Mysore,started the event for SWC(Singapore Women Community). Every month one state is selected and its cuisine explored. When i came to know about this event, i asked lakshmi, can i host one?? I being so new here, was quite excited about it (and even now i am....), and she said why not. So here comes July month's cuisine, "Maharashtrian Cuisine" .
Actually earlier being myself a Rajasthani, first thought of hosting Rajasthani cuisine, but only a few months back Rajasthani food was being cooked in every bloggers home..:), so next what came in my mind , going a little down, Marathi food. I stayed for about a year in Nagpur,during my PG, in hostel. And being among so many hostelers (marathi), i did had feast every now n then.And i simply loved those snacks..
Now something about maharashtrian food....
Maharashtrian or Marathi food consist large variety of vegetables, fish and coconuts. Maharashtrian food is rich in ginger, garlic and lots of spices. Tomatoes, brinjals and other vegetables stuffed with masala fillings and cooked in oil till soft are very popular in Maharashtra. Cooking is mainly done in groundnut oil but it is made sure that the oil is minimum. Bharwan Baingan, Kohlapuri Rassa, Puran Poli, Aamti, Bombay Chiwda are some of the popular recipes.
If you are not familiar about marathi food and its recipes(as myself), i just googled out few links for our help, like mumbai masala, can see in wikipedia in details, some here and here.
And also there are a lots n lots of blog of fellow bloggers, having authentic marathi food, just search around.
So you wanna participate,rules are very simple, here are some guidelines...
Make any dish, be it Appetizer, Main Course or Dessert , Vegetarian/Non -Vegetarian,from the Maharashtrian cuisine and post the recipe in your blog and link it back to this announcement. Non-Bloggers don't worry, please do send me your entries with a picture, your name and recipe to the mail given and I will post it in the round-up with your details.
There is no limit to the number of entries that you might want to contribute.
Older entries on blogs are also accepted, only republish them during the event period with a link-back to this announcement.
You can also attach this nice logo designed by Vani (thanx to her), so that others can also link back.
Email the following details to neha.agrawal.2610[at]gmail[dot]com with SWC:Maharashtrian cuisine as the subject line by 31st July.
- Your name
- Your blog name
- Name of the Recipe
- Permalink of your post
- A photograph of the final dish (Any size is fine.)
Please all, do email me your entries,as it won't be possible for me to include them in the roundup, unless they are mailed to me, before 31st of July.And also do remind me if you don't get a reply in 2 to 3 days.
So now all, lets cook...

The event is now over, can view its roundup here
nice intro,..neha,...
I love the theme very much .Soon I will send the entry..Enjoy hosting...
Good Luck with your event and a nice intro too.
Hi Neha, Thanks for hosting SWC. Looking forward to see more maharastrian dishes.
i love maharahtrian food ..have spend so many years in maharashtra ...i am in..
hmm nice round up
Masta intro... will send in my contri very soon...
wooohoo!! cant wait to try out something new now!
wow neha i love ur blog and maharastrian food wow waiting for the gr8 round up
Wow! one of my favorite cuisines, I have many posts under the Maharstrian Cuisines in my blog
I would love to participate, All the best for this event. by the way Iam a fellow Singaporean blogger too.
Just mailed you my entry...hope u got it
Loved your Mid-summer night's tonic recipe. Will definitely try it out over the weekend.
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